The character was not forced to do anything. She has a choice as to whether she wants to engage in this and the film does not say "this is okay" and "woman should do this".

This film does not promote that at all it merely shows a story of someone who practises in S&M and in this instance the man is the dominant.

I have also seen comments that this film is sexist and degrades women. The whole point of the story is that Christian Grey's sexual desires are confusing for Anatasia to understand and that the relationship is quite complicated due to their mutual feelings for each other. It was all consensual and it is made clear that it must be. This is a specific story about one guy who is into specific things and goes about things a particular way. Also there is only so much that they can show in a film, surely? What were people expecting? Also one final point in relation to the comments I have seen regarding the film giving S&M a bad name I don't agree. Sex scenes it would have got quite boring, and instead we got to see a bit of a story line.